Introduction to Entity Framework

Another issue is poorly written SQL queries that are slow running and need reworking as a SP or View. Also, some say that there are issues with computed values or values that are added in an Insert Trigger being left out of the model after a new record is added. Closely related to reducing development time (above), applications are less expensive to develop because the architects of data-oriented applications spend less manhours building the applications. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons carefully before making a decision. But if you’re willing to put in the effort to learn how to use it effectively, Entity Framework can be a powerful tool that helps streamline your development process and improve overall efficiency.

advantages of entity framework

Optimizing performance is also crucial when working with Entity Framework and LINQ queries. One way to improve performance is by reducing the number of database roundtrips needed. This can be achieved through techniques such as eager loading, which loads related entities along with the main entity in a single query instead of multiple queries. Entity Framework is derived from an Entity-Relationship Modeling (ERM) methodology. An ERM outlines a schema of entities and their relationships with each other. Entities are not the same as objects; it only describes the schema of an object, not behavior.

Limited Control Over SQL Queries

Unless you have a good reason not to (E.G. you are on SQL 2000 or have no time to ramp up on the technology), then use the best tools at your disposal. As a final word, the new enhancements to EF Core embrace the database and SQL more than ever, which is why its important that we learn all we can about the database we’ve chosen. The EF Core abstraction protects developers from introducing SQL injection attacks. Still, when using the SQL interfaces, developers are at a higher risk of piercing the protection provided by using LINQ statements. We now get the same results and have cached the same query in two separate instances of its use.

advantages of entity framework

Despite it’s limitation, the designer integrates into Visual Studio which simplifies the mapping process. The essence of Entity Framework is that it is a set of technologies that can support the development of data-oriented software applications. This is an open-source object-relational mapping (ORM) framework in ADO.NET. Overall, while Entity Framework may limit your control over SQL queries, it doesn’t have to limit the performance of your application.

Performance Issues

The main reason adding your own repository implementation is so that you can use dependency injection and make your code more testable. The pros and cons stated here can solely be based on preferences, but it can also be a measure of how efficient Entity Framework is or what is entity framework not. Ultimately, it simply can’t be determined until you get your hands to work with it. Dictates the Shape of the Model
When a project begins to get complex, there are instances that it will be better modify the model as it will be well-suited for Entity Framework.

This kind of approach prioritizes the creation of a database rather than working on an existing database. It helps to create a new database and creates a possibility of changing the configuration of a database upon changing the classes. It enables the developers to get more control through the code only. The Entity Framework sits between the Business Entities and the Database. Its conceptual model allows us to query information from the database and allows easy creation of objects to manipulate the data.

Pros and Cons of Entity Framework

We can represent single or multiple views of a dataset with the help of DataView and DataViewManager objects. In our applications, if required we can directly use a DataView or DataViewManager component with data-bound controls like DataGrid or DataList. This approach focuses on the creation of a database first before writing code or creation of classes.

EF Core introduced an AsSplitQuery method that allows Entity Framework to split each related entity into a query on each table. We can write queries as we usually would with our query filter applied to any Production query. In our OnModelCreating method, we can then apply a query filter that applies to any query performed on the Production entity.

Users seems to agree that it is a wonderful prototyping tool when your dataset is small. Once it is bigger and more customization is desired, there seem to be more issues with the technology to consider in determining if it is the right tool for you. Users report that it does not perform well when working with large domain models.

  • The best option is to run our tests against a production-like environment, as we’ll eliminate issues that could arise from engine variations.
  • Entity Framework has less code to fetch the records from database, which makes the code easier to maintain.
  • You can use the function SaveChanges() to execute INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE commands in the database.
  • When using inheritance, we usually define shared properties on base types, but there might be an instance where that’s not the case.
  • Some earlier versions may have a steeper learning curve than more recent ones, but overall Entity Framework is designed to make database access easier for developers at any level of experience.

Therefore, an entity is something like the structure of a table in the database. In terms of raw SQL queries and procedures, ADO.Net provides more flexibility than the entity framework as provides full control over the database. An ORM framework does this object to SQL mapping by generating SQL statements and the Entity manager will execute them when you need to save or load objects from the database. It comes at the cost of another abstraction layer, but it will make the code easier to write.

Gepubliceerd door

Bernice Dings

Of het nu Hollandse pot is, of Zuid Amerikaans of Aziatisch, het heerlijke van koken en bakken is dat je alle kanten op kan en het ontzettend leuk is om van alles uit te proberen.. als je geur en smaakpapillen maar positief geprikkeld worden ;-) Favoriete keuken: van sushi tot boerenkool stamp pot, ...Japans, Thais Hollands, Mexicaans, Mediterrane keuken Meer willen weten van: de Afrikaanse keuken Drankje: bitter lemon en witbier, maar ook mijn zelfgemaakte 'batida de coco' uit Brazilië Guilty pleasure: mergpijp (koek soort) van die grote.....hmmm Favoriete chef: Jamie Oliver, Kiran Jethwa Kookboek: die ouderwetse van mijn oma, waar alle basis bereidingen in staan Mijn specialiteit: soepen, stoofpotten, gevulde inktvis Mijn zwakke plek: bakken, dat vraagt meer precisie, er mislukt nog wel eens wat ;-) en vis fileren vind ik lastig Snack: ik hou niet zo van gefrituurd eten, ben ook geen patat liefhebber ( friet zeggen wij in Brabant) hoewel ik gedeeltelijk Vlaams ben (allebei mijn oma's/bomma's zijn van België) kan het mij niet bekoren. Daarom kies ik bijvoorbeeld voor zelfgemaakte Vietnamese loempia's van rijst vellen, heerlijk! Lekkerste seizoensproducten: hmmm...lastig kiezen tussen mosselen en asperges... ik vind seizoensproducten erg leuk, het heeft iets dat iets niet het hele jaar verkrijgbaar is! Wat typeert mij als hobbykok?: Ik hou van sterke smaken en mag graag nieuwe dingen uitproberen. Motorisch ben ik met mijn handen wat beperkt door reuma, dus mijn handelingen zien er vaak vreemd uit als ik met keukengerei bezig ben, en heeft soms een hoog gehalte van 'do not try this at home, maar er zit altijd liefde in de maaltijd gestopt ;-) Lekkerste groente: spruitjes! Dat zijn vitamine mini kooltjes/bommetjes als je ze niet te lang bereidt. Heerlijk! Ook witlof, zowel uit de oven als rauw. Groene asperges, paprika, pastinaak, pompoen, boerenkool... ben een echte groenten liefhebber. Fruit: mineola, kaki/sharon fruit, pithaya, ananas, mango...ik heb in Brazilië gewoond en heb daar enorm genoten van het vers fruit aanbod... Vis: dorade, inktvis, kabeljauw, zalm, forel, makreel, paling...eigenlijk alle vis wel. Schaal en schelpdieren zeer zeker ook! Vlees: malse biefstuk, suddervlees, staartstuk, spek, balkenbrij Momenteel bezig met: de Joodse keuken te onderzoeken...ben vorig jaar in Israël geweest en geïnspireerd geraakt..niet alleen door de gerechten bij sabbat en andere feestdagen, maar vooral ook de sfeer, rituelen, eerbied en gebed. Heeft me echt geraakt/ontroerd.